Pip Marlow & MS – Ulterior motive
Posted on November 7, 2013
Reported here, Microsoft Australia managing director Pip Marlow is urging the Australian government to reconsider its decision regarding not to go “Fiber to the Home” NBN.
Whilst I, like everyone would love gigabit speeds, but quite frankly out in the real world, myself and most of my clients would be stuck on either 3G or Satellite; but I wouldn’t stop anyone from getting FTTH.
However, my view is, when it comes to the likes of Pip Marlow and Microsoft “encouraging” the government to rethink it’s decision, they have only their motives at hand. Microsoft is loosing money hand over fist with it’s Windows 8 and surface products but are cashing in on its cloud services such as Office 365 and hence the push for “fastest” internet in Australia, so that they can further benefit from Office 365. It’s a pity that Pip Marlow and other employees of Microsoft don’t get out of their flash offices and get out to where the real internet is. Can you imagine Pip on the side of the road with her 4G dongle – not far from Ipswich QLD, around 3pm trying to VPN into her work? – I cant. Just imagine what it would be like in other countries like Africa. Maybe then, just maybe, Microsoft will come to realize how integral the Small Business Server Standard range is to businesses. But maybe I’ll win lotto two weeks in a row.
The best we can hope for is the likes of Linux replacements such as Zentyal will fill the void, either further reducing Microsoft’s profits, or forcing them to bring out a new SBS range, which going on previous form – will be too late.
On the topic of Windows 8 – this comment that I came across neatly sums it up
“The problem (with Windows 8) is the inexcusably moronic decision to put a cell phone UI on a desktop/laptop OS.”
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