NBN: Beyond the HYPE
Posted on May 30, 2012
This article albeit posted a week or so ago – highlights the blatant disregard for the remote and rural Australians when it comes to internet access in this country.
“Informed” sums up the posted comments regarding this article,
“Hard evidence/experiences are quite negative of the current proposed NBN for the last 3-7% of the population.
What needs to be conveyed to the rest of the population and the GOVT – That the digital divide (and therefore services that use it eg Healthcare, education etc) will only increase – probably at an accelerated rate – to an extent that it will start having a great effect on everyone, socially as well as economically.
Fix what is broken/substandard/nonexistent FIRST.
Governments, no matter what flavor – need to focus on the inequalities that are present – and not on vote gathering.”
Reading some of the posts – all that defended the NBN had nothing constructive to add;
“You work in IT from a home office and you CHOSE to locate that office in an area with little or no decent broadband services? How bloody amazing!
And this outstanding choice of yours is costing you $15,000 pa and you want ME to subsidize YOUR business?
Get stuffed.”
Some other comments go on the lines of – if you don’t like it just move!
I’m of the opinion that the government should attack it from the other end – find a solution for most of those 3-7% first and let private business take care of Jimmy in his city townhouse – downloading the latest episode of {insert reality TV drivel here} in 30 seconds flat! or better still – so they can play online games without lag!
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