iPad – Why it won’t be “Flash(y)”
Posted on June 16, 2010
Update – Click Here for Steve Jobs reason why and Click Here for a independent review of Steve Jobs reason – Made me laugh.
Now that the iPad release has come and gone – I surprisingly, still haven’t had the urge to sprint out and purchase one of these to see what the fuss is all about. I’ll probably wait until either version 2 comes out (like the iPhone 3gs – BTW – I CAN’T live without!) or when my clients start using them.
I can see why the iPad will be successful and now understand why it won’t support Flash applications – Basically it can’t – as flash requires the use of a mouse (for both “Clicks” and “Hovering” over a button)
For the people wanting further details Click Here for a better explanation.
For now – just sit back and watch the proliferation of the iPad into our everyday modern life.
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